Software Engineer

After serving as a president of the Student Council at Bogazici University for 3 years, I have built strong problem-solving skills. And now, I am enthusiastic about contributing to the tech industry with ongoing and never-ending learning experiences.

Languages: Javascript, Typescript, Go, Python, SQL, HTML/CSS
Front-End Development: React, Redux, Next.js, Vue.js, Material-UI, Bootstrap, JQuery
Back-End Development: Go, Node.js, Express, Django, Flask, MongoDB, PostgreSQL, MySQL, GraphQL, Heroku


  • Aug 2021 - Present


    Software Engineer

    - Tech stack: React, Redux, Redux-Saga, Typescript, GraphQL, Storybook, Material-UI

  • Oct 2020 - Aug 2021

    Samurai Seller

    Full Stack Engineer

    - Developed frontend of fully-automated Amazon advertising management system from initial design through completion
    - Implemented an emailing system which sends a weekly performance summary email from Go based server
    - Integrated a new billing plan with the company 's existing payment system
    -Tech stack: Vue.js, Golang, MySQL, Vugu

  • May 2020 - Sep 2020


    Software Engineer

    - Built a full-stack application to create a new solution for construction companies to find the most suitable suppliers.
    - Developed and designed a bid system using React, Node.js, Express, and MongoDB


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